As you all know on Febuary 28, 2013 geocaching celebrated a HUGE milestone. The 2 millionth cache was published! Like so many other cachers we had hopes of gaining the honor of claiming the 2millionth hide.
In the quest for the honor we teamed up with two of the best cachers in Utah/World G&C Lost 'n' Found and Ryshkper . We hid a variety of caches and placed them, then waited. We watched the numbers rise and then drop and then do the same over and over again. Once we thought we were close we enabled the caches and….we were so close. The 2millionth cache was published at 5:11AM MST time and ours started publishing at 5:13AM. We were so close. Congrats to the winning 2millionth cache winner. GC46N4E Overwatch #1 (GC46N4E) location Austraila. It was a huge dream, a long shot but was worth the fun and the team work was worth it all! We also wanted to send a special thank you to the best reviewer and publisher of all time, Blue Rajha.
Here is the list of our 2million cache quest caches:
Did you get the message in the Bottle about the 2millionth cache?
Fun container, the bottom comes off but hard to see. This one is right in the heart of the city and people keep trying to get it from the wrong side of the fence. Logs have been fun on this one!
2million muSTACHES
From the Original STACH (Tom) to the 2 millionth cache. This is an ammo can with Mustache Swag!
Taking a Shot at the 2millionth Cache
We had to find a use for this cool spent shell casing. So we put a log in it and called it a cache!
The numbers are rising to 2 million Caches
This is a great hide. It is outside of a Nursery so it looks like it should be there and it has been tricking a few cachers. We found a Thermometer at the dollar store, added a log book to the back and called it a cache. The first one was stolen before the publishing so this is version #2.
ammoCAN We Get To 2 Million Caches?
Straight up old fashioned ammo can hide. We have learned it is best to secure any ammo can one might place. Filled with celebrating 2 million cache stones and lots of swag!
During the wait for the 2Millionth cache we also set up a fun date for two fellow cachers and hid 5 “Love Caches.” They were published during their date and they were able to get all FTF’s on all of the “Love Caches.” They were creative and fun to hide. Below is a list of the First Date Caches:
Caching the Love Bug GC46EYC
Fun cache, I must say I can camouflage duct tape ANYTHING! We hid this one at a church in some bushes. Some other cachers found this and a guy from the church asked what they were doing and they said they were working on their geocaching merit badge.
Glad Our Worlds' Met-Out of this world cache GC46EYQ
We put this little guy in a huge pine tree in an urban setting.
Love Nest GC46EZ1
Fun bird house in an unusual place. It is on the back side of a sign at the end of a dead end road. It is kind of fun to find a birdhouse in an unusual location.
Light of My Life GC46F07
This one is a solar light with a bison tube inside. We placed it next to a bench in a cemetery. The bench has the name SNOW on it so the clue is “A Snowy Bench.”
Cupid's Tools Right on Target GC46EZK
Found a bow and arrow at the dollar store, painted it black and attached a film canister to the tip of arrow…also secured in a tree behind a Target Store.
One in 2million GC46F04
This is a blast. It is filled with tons of film canisters and all of them tell you they are not the log…except one. On the log page we have asked the finders to put how many containers they looked in to find the actual log. Fun cache, we secured the 3 foot pipe to a tree. Don’t want this one walking away!
Happy Caching….hope all of you that stuck with your caching goals are achieving them. I have to admit I enjoy caching so much more now that I stopped my cache a day challenge. Maybe one day I will try it again but as for now, I will continue to seek First to Finds and “when I feel like caching” caches!
Hi! I saw the comment you left on my post on Today's Mama on Geocaching in Utah. Thanks for telling me about your's fabulous!
I also write another blog and wondered if you would want to write a guest post on there about geocaching. You can include as many links as you would like to your site.
If you are interested, email me at
Thanks for writing such a great blog! :)
Thanks for the book mention! :-) Ej and I certainly appreciate it.
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