Hello Cachers,

We have been missing you and our blog. We are so sorry we have been away for so long. Life has been happening, even though Caching should be the #1 life event, sometimes work (the railroad), Kids, new houses and just plain living take up our time. So much has happened in the time we have been away, Events, 8000 mark for Balkamper13, new caches, caching trips, and much more, However one of the highlights was finding the GUM WALL CACHE!
2,104 Logged Visits
Double Bubble Toil & Trouble
Found it 1,246     Didn't find it 702     Write note 114     Temporarily Disable Listing 6     Enable Listing 5     Publish Listing 1     Needs Maintenance 14     Owner Maintenance 16

This cache is 700.6 miles from our home and this created a problem, we could only search for it when in Seattle. Luckily our daughter lives near by and it’s on the way to our parents house in Friday Harbor, Washington. This cache is also one of the grossest caches we have ever searched for but after hours and hours of poking other people’s gum, it doesn’t seem to bother you anymore. My daughter was a bit grossed out by the amount of Gum I usually had in my hair after we looked for the cache. After looking each time we sanitized and threw away our items we used to poke our way around the Gum Wall.
The above pictures are from May 6th 2015
Pictures below are DNF’s at different dates
We have oodles more pictures of our DNF’s, don’t want this post to turn into a family photo album of defeat!
This cache is worthy of a HOLY SWEET CACHE.
We normally save this honor for caches that are larger, but this cache was creative and fun and had that oooohhhhh factor. Plus when we did find it, I cried, when we didn't find it I cried, so crying factor=HOLY SWEET CACHE
I do think it should be a level 5/5 due to the number of possible diseases one could contract and the amount of money and time we invested...just kidding. This cache kicked our butts, and for that reason it is getting a Favorite vote on our site as our welcome back HOLY SWEET CACHE!
We have so many Caching things to catch you up on, the post will be coming and we promise we will not take such a long sabbatical from our BLOG ever again!
Please let us know if you have found this cache or have a cache that has cost you hundreds of dollars and countless hours. We want to see your comments and if you want to send a congratulations, it’s ok!
Plus, we would love a comment or two letting us know you know we are back!

Alicia Kuro you won a prize, you were the first person to leave a comment! Please see comments on how to claim prize...we will be announcing a new contest soon...stay tuned!

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